Coaches Corner


Resources for Parents and Coaches

The goal of BRSYSA is to provide a positive, supportive, enjoyable environment in which our girls can learn and play the game of softball.  We try to see the game through our players' eyes.

We've gathered general information about the value of young girls' participation in sports and adults' roles as coaches and parents.


  1.  Raising Our Athletic Daughters
  2.  Appropriate Coaching for Children's Sports Teams
  3.  Teaching Good Sportsmanship
  4.  When Good Kids Are Bad Sports

Positive Coaching

As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence in coaching and player development, BRSYSA has joined the Positive Coaching Alliance.  PCA is a non-profit organization based at Stanford University.  Their mission is to transform youth sports to provide all young athletes with a positive, character-building experience.  PCA is working to replace the "win-at-all-cost" model of coaching with the "Double-Goal Coach" who wants to win but has a second, more important goal of using sports to teach life lessons.

The PCA Mission Statement: 


Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) is a nonprofit organization based at Stanford University with the mission to transform youth sports so sports can transform youth.  PCA was created to transform the culture of youth sports to give all young athletes the opportunity for a positive, character-building experience.

We have three (3) national goals:

  1. replace the "win-at-all-costs" model of coaching with the "Double-Goal Coach" who wants to win but has a second, more important, goal of using sports to teach life lessons;
  2. teach youth sports organization leaders how to create an organizational culture in which "Honoring the Game" is the norm;
  3. spark and fuel a "social epidemic" of Positive Coaching that will sweep this country.

For more information, visit


ACE Coaching Education & Certification

ACE Coaching Education & Certification

As the National Governing Body of Softball in the United States, it is USA Softball’s responsibility to ensure that all coaches achieve and maintain a certain level of understanding of their duties as coaches of a youth softball team. The ACE Education videos and training materials serve as practical guides to the everyday situations you will encounter as a youth softball coach. After obtaining your ACE education, you'll be well-prepared to coach a youth softball team.

Available online, the ACE Coaching Education program is available to any coach who participates in USA Softball play. USA Softball provides educational information to more than 25,000 coaches each year. The online training will take approximately 2 hours to complete. But don't worry: the system will save your progress, so you don't have to do it "all at once." 😉

The ACE (Aspire, Challenge, Encourage) Coaching Program is a coaching education program, developed and designed to provide softball coaches of all levels—from beginning coaches to experienced veterans—an opportunity to receive coaching education and verification from a national softball organization



If you've never registered with USA Softball, you must create a new profile to access the ACE education program.

If you're a returning coach who needs to complete another level of education, you should be able to log in to the ACE Online System and immediately start working on your "next level" of training.  For example, if John Doe has already completed ACE Levels 1 and 2 through his state or metro association, the system will automatically recognize him and make ACE Level 3 available for completion.  Coaches can get their member ID number from an ID card produced through

For the system to properly find your coach profile, you must enter your information (i.e.,  member ID, first name, last name, and date of birth).  If you previously registered as a coach, but the system does not find your profile properly, DO NOT create a new profile.  Instead, contact the ACE Administrator at the USA Softball National Office.  The administrator's contact information can be located on the ACE Website under the Contact USA tab.

Practice Plans & Drills

These guides include pictures, videos, and step-by-step instructions.  Enjoy!


Drive Mechanics
Why a pitcher's body angle and stride are so important.

Rotation & Release Point
The right way to deliver a pitch, from initial grip to release point.

Mental Aspects of Pitching
Page 39

Page 43

Knowledge & Tips
Pages 45–60

Dealing with the Umpire
Pages 45–61


Page 62

Page 63

Page 65

Page 66

Page 69

Left-Handed Slap
Page 71


Page 73

Page 74

Page 74

Page 76


Rules & Policies

The Coaching Experience

Coaches at Start of Season


Coaches at End of Season


And we wouldn't trade it for the world!